In quarantine with Claire O'Keefe











Where in the world are you?

I’m in Mallorca

Are you currently on lockdown?

Lockdown has been very strict in Spain but tomorrow we enter FASE1 on the island and we can start enjoying our freedom

Are you alone, or with others?

I was with my boyfriend, we separated and I’m now with my parents, and moving to my new place at the end of the month. It’s a time of big changes.

How are you keeping yourself busy, occupied?

I’m doing quite a lot of self care, meditation, catching up with old friends, decluttering my old bedroom, painting water colours, also assisting to online workshops about photography and essential oils.

What are you finding the easiest, most difficult aspects of social distancing, lockdown?

Easiest: I find slowing down has been the best part of it all.

Hardest: not being able to swim in the sea and missing Spring in Nature. And of course this daily emotional rollercoaster we are all living.

Do you have any positive thoughts on what’s happening?

I like to think more and more people will awake to consciousness regarding our environment and in some ways we are more united.

What new things are you learning during this time?

I’m learning to manage my emotions with Brainspotting therapy and it’s magically turning into an art project.

In your opinion - how will this period change our lives in the future?

I have no idea, there is going to be a big social and economic crisis after this, hopefully we will all be more empathic towards one a another, learn to forgive and to take care of our Mother Earth

What can we do to help those suffering the most?

Donate, offer help, connect people with jobs.

What could be a new mantra to emerge from this with?

SUMMER IS COMING, (who knows what is coming after that, so let’s try to enjoy it!)


Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom Healing cards. I’m trying to read books, but I don’t succeed to be quite honest. I’ve bought ‘Living on earth’ by Alice Bay Laurel and I can’t wait to receive it.


Spanish sad songs like Nunca Estoy-C.Tangana (sorry not sorry)


'Ozark' and rewatching 'GIRLS' for the 3rd time in my life and 'Agusti' Villaronga films: Pa Negre and el Mar . I recommend ‘Portrait de la jeune fille en feu’ by Celine Sciamma (all movies on Filmin)




Yogi Tea


I tried making hummus and failed <3 Artichokes and cachalotes yummy


An introduction to filmmaking online course, I want to take a step further in my career and adventure myself into video

Claire's quarantine diary:

Visit Claire O'Keefe's Member Style



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