In quarantine with Oriane Deschamps
Where in the world are you?
I’m in the forest, 40’ away from Paris
Are you currently on lockdown?
Locked down but in Nature so can’t really complain!
Are you alone, or with others?
I’m with my mom, a friend and my dog.
How are you keeping yourself busy, occupied?
I’ve been reading a lot, I know a lot of people are having trouble concentrating right now, me too but reading is my way of escaping (so cliché ha). I cook, plant stuff, watch films/ Tv shows and try to write. I’m also continuing my acting class via Zoom meetings.
What are you finding the easiest/most difficult aspects of social distancing, lockdown?
I’m far from the man I love. That’s the hardest part I guess. Otherwise it’s been an interesting experience, it guided me to take many big decisions, scary decisions but emancipating ones. It was interesting to take a break, and set the counters to zero. Interesting doesn’t mean easy ;)
Do you have any positive thoughts on what’s happening?
It comes and go like waves, one day I’ll be full of hope and the day after it feels impossible to imagine a future. The « unlockdown » is scarier to me, because it’s so blurry. I hope that we will be able to adapt smoothly to any situation.
What new things are you learning during this time?
I already knew this, but had forgotten how: Nature is so powerful. Living with the trees and the wildlife, seeing it evolve, spring, its has been so so soothing and it gave me a lot of hope. I try to learn plenty of general culture everyday but I feel that it’s not what’s more important these days. I appreciate how the lockdown has made everyone creativity blossom.
In your opinion - how will this period change our lives in the future?
We’re going to have to build, or actually un-build a lot of daily routines and ideologies. I’m scared of the anger of this experience that we’re living in will create.
Are you planning on making any life changes when the virus eventually disappears? A new career-path, focus, or hobby?
I might yes but for now there is no use of talking about it since we have no idea of what will be going on.
What can we do to help those suffering the most?
I don’t know, I would love to know, I would love to have a solution but I feel that there are so many of us suffering, in every part of the world, in every fields, in every ages etc etc that I will necessarily be forgetting someone if I have to pretension to say that i have a solution.
Wajdi Mouawad who’s a Canadian-Lebanese author, he writes mainly plays, he has this ability to change anything in poetry. I’ve been diving in the Odyssey by Homer, a way of traveling and escaping. Also read the latest novel my boyfriend wrote, Boris Bergmann, a way of feeling closer to him. Poetry: Jacottet
A lot of reggae, i don’t really usually listen to it but it has been doing a lot of good.
I’ve been watching a lot of huge classics. I feel that the lockdown does not excuse mediocrity. Fassbinder, Pialat, Rossellini, Truffaut, Yorgos Lanthimos, Lynch etc etc.
But also I need to laugh, so every night after a good movie I watch 2 (or 500) episodes of The Office - it’s a very special type of laugh that in a way excercise the deep aches, it’s brutal and nervous but so relieving.
A looooooot, but exercising, trying to stay cute.
Mainly water, was kind of sacred to fall in a trap by drinking too much alcohol but sometime some good wine or pastis. You have to allow yourself little pleasures during this crazy time.
Oh yes, i love it. I’ve been trying recipes I never dared to try before. It’s fun. I either start cooking because I saw something on social media that made me want to do it, or because I have a craving or just because I feel sad and it’s one of the best ways to put your mind on hold.
Naps, karaoke and piano ( I had stop for a long time and it was nice to get back to it ):
Oriane's quarantine diary: